➤ Tuesday, May 30, 2023
- 9-9:30h — Opening Session
José Horta, Head of CH-ULisboa, University of Lisbon
Rodrigo Furtado, Head of CEC, University of Lisbon
José Pedro Serra, School Librarian, FLUL Library, University of Lisbon
Maria Cristina Pimentel, Dean of Division, Literatures, Arts and Cultures, University of Lisbon
Hermenegildo Fernandes, Dean of Division, History, University of Lisbon
Alexandra Assis Rosa, Associate Dean, University of Lisbon
- 9:30 a.m. – Prolegomena to Apocalyptic, Ana T. Valdez, University of Lisbon
- 9:45-11:15 a.m. — Biblical Violence
Alexandra Assis Rosa, University of Lisbon, Moderator
Yaweh Committing Murder: Understanding the Chronicler’s Portrayal of Divine Violence, Louis Jonker, Stellenbosch University
Empire of the Son: Imperial Violence in the Book of Revelation and Beyond, Paul Middleton, University of Chester
- 11:15-11:30 a.m.— Break
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. — Time and Space
Hermenegildo Fernandes, University of Lisbon, Moderator
Travels at the End of Time: Post-Apocalyptic Landscapes in Ancient Jewish Literature?, Jesper Høgenhaven, University of Copenhagen
Apocalyptic, Theology, and Spatial Turn, Alexandre Palma, Portuguese Catholic University
- 1-2:30 p.m. – Lunch Break
- 2:30-4 p.m. — Judeo-Christian Apocalyptic
Raquel Beleza da Silva, University of Coimbra, Moderator
Early Jewish Apocalyptic Literature as Resistance to Imperial Violence: Summary of Previous Research and New Avenues for Analysis, Anathea Portier-Young, Duke University
Preliminaries of Resurrection: Apocalyptic Visions and the Incitement of Violence, John J. Collins, Yale University
- 4-4:15 p.m. — Coffee Break
- 4:15-6 p.m. — Modern Apocalyptic and Violence
Luís Nuno Rodrigues, ISCTE – University Institute of Lisbon, Moderator
The Religious Entanglement of Nuclear Weapons, Alastair Lockhart, CenSAMM, University of Cambridge
Is Everything We Don’t Like “Apocalyptic”? Cold War Trajectories and Legacies, James Crossley, CenSAMM/MFO
Apocalyptic Violence, New Societies, and Irredentism in the Northern Adriatic, Maura Hametz, James Madison University
➤ Wednesday, May 31, 2023
- 9:30-11 a.m. — Between War and Peace
Sofia Frade, University of Lisbon, Moderator
The Apocalyptic Paul, and Violence that Lingers, Jeremia Punt, Stellenbosch University
Reaching the End of Time: António Vieira, SJ and Universal Evangelization, Ana T. Valdez, University of Lisbon
- 11-11:30 a.m. — Coffee Break
- 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. — Bible and Terrorism
Raquel Vaz-Pinto, NOVA University, Moderator
Apocalypse Ever Again: Variations of Violence, Contradictions of Eschatology, Catherine Keller, Drew University
Drawing ‘Us’ vs. ‘Them”: Mechanisms of Inclusion and Exclusion in Apocalyptic Terrorism, Frances Flannery, James Madison University